12 Days Of Christmas Advent Calendar: When Do You Open It In 2024?

Advent Calendar And The 12 Days Of Christmas stock vector art 134566504
Advent Calendar And The 12 Days Of Christmas stock vector art 134566504 from www.istockphoto.com


The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, and one of the best ways to count down to Christmas is by opening an advent calendar. The 12 Days of Christmas Advent Calendar is a popular choice for many families, but the question remains: when do you open it in 2024?

What is the 12 Days of Christmas Advent Calendar?

The 12 Days of Christmas Advent Calendar is a special countdown to Christmas that includes 12 small gifts or surprises hidden behind 12 doors or compartments. Each day, starting on December 25th and ending on January 5th, a new gift is revealed. This tradition is based on the Christian celebration of the 12 days of Christmas.

When Do You Open the 12 Days of Christmas Advent Calendar?

In 2024, Christmas Day falls on a Wednesday. This means that the 12 Days of Christmas Advent Calendar should be opened on December 25th, 2024, and continue through January 5th, 2025.

What Can You Expect to Find in the 12 Days of Christmas Advent Calendar?

The gifts or surprises found in the 12 Days of Christmas Advent Calendar can vary depending on the brand or type of calendar. However, some common items include small toys, chocolates, candies, stickers, and ornaments. Some calendars even include special messages or activities to do each day.


Q: Can I Open All of the Doors at Once?

A: Technically, yes, you can open all of the doors at once. However, this takes away from the fun and excitement of the countdown. It’s best to open each door on its designated day to fully enjoy the experience.

Q: What Happens if I Miss a Day?

A: If you miss a day, don’t worry! You can still open the remaining doors and enjoy the surprises inside. However, if you’re really committed to the 12 Days of Christmas Advent Calendar tradition, you can always catch up by opening two doors on the same day.

Q: Can I Reuse the Calendar Next Year?

A: It depends on the type of calendar you have. If the calendar is made of durable materials and the gifts inside are not perishable, then you can definitely reuse it next year. However, if the calendar is made of cardboard and the gifts are perishable, it’s best to dispose of it and start fresh next year.


The 12 Days of Christmas Advent Calendar is a fun and festive way to count down to Christmas. In 2024, be sure to start opening your calendar on December 25th and enjoy the surprises inside each day until January 5th. Happy holidays!

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