Bcc In Outlook Calendar Invite 2024: What You Need To Know

How to Send a Calendar Invite in Outlook (Windows 10 PC, Outlook Apps)
How to Send a Calendar Invite in Outlook (Windows 10 PC, Outlook Apps) from www.itechguides.com


Outlook, Microsoft’s popular email and calendar application, has been a staple in offices around the world for years. In 2024, Outlook will introduce a new feature that allows users to add BCC recipients to their calendar invites. This feature has the potential to make scheduling meetings and events simpler and more efficient for businesses and individuals alike. In this article, we’ll explore what BCC in Outlook calendar invites is, how it works, and why it matters.

What is BCC in Outlook Calendar Invites?

BCC, or blind carbon copy, is a feature commonly found in email applications that allows users to send a copy of an email to someone without the other recipients knowing. In Outlook calendar invites, BCC works similarly by allowing users to add a recipient to the invite without the other attendees knowing. This can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as inviting a consultant or advisor to a meeting without letting the other attendees know.

How Does BCC in Outlook Calendar Invites Work?

Adding BCC recipients to an Outlook calendar invite is simple. When creating a new invite, users can click on the “BCC” button in the “Attendees” section of the invite. From there, they can add the email address of the recipient they want to BCC. The recipient will receive an invite to the meeting, but their name and email address will be hidden from the other attendees.

Why Does BCC in Outlook Calendar Invites Matter?

BCC in Outlook calendar invites has the potential to make scheduling meetings and events easier and more efficient. It allows users to invite additional attendees to a meeting without the other attendees knowing, which can be useful in a variety of scenarios. For example, if a company is considering hiring a consultant, they can use BCC to invite the consultant to a meeting without letting their employees know. This can help keep sensitive information confidential and prevent potential conflicts of interest.


Q: Can I add multiple BCC recipients to an Outlook calendar invite?

A: Yes, users can add multiple BCC recipients to a calendar invite. Simply click on the “BCC” button and add the email addresses of the recipients you want to BCC.

Q: Will the BCC recipient be able to see the other attendees of the meeting?

A: No, the BCC recipient will not be able to see the other attendees of the meeting. Their name and email address will be hidden from the other attendees.

Q: Is BCC in Outlook calendar invites available for all versions of Outlook?

A: BCC in Outlook calendar invites will be available for Outlook 2024 and later versions. It may not be available for older versions of Outlook.


BCC in Outlook calendar invites is a simple yet powerful feature that has the potential to make scheduling meetings and events easier and more efficient. By allowing users to invite additional attendees without letting the other attendees know, BCC can help keep sensitive information confidential and prevent potential conflicts of interest. If you’re a frequent user of Outlook, be sure to try out this new feature when it becomes available in 2024.

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