Can You Sync Google Calendar With Notion 2024?

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You Need This Calendar in Notion Notion Interactions Calendar YouTube from


Notion 2024 is a powerful productivity tool that allows you to organize your life and work in one place. However, many people also rely on Google Calendar for keeping track of their schedule. So, can you sync Google Calendar with Notion 2024? The answer is yes, and in this article, we will show you how.

Why Sync Google Calendar with Notion 2024?

Google Calendar is a popular choice for people who want to keep track of their schedule. However, it may not be the only tool you use for productivity. Notion 2024 offers a variety of features that can help you manage your tasks, notes, and projects. By syncing Google Calendar with Notion 2024, you can have all your information in one place and avoid jumping between different apps.

How to Sync Google Calendar with Notion 2024?

The process of syncing Google Calendar with Notion 2024 is straightforward. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Export Google Calendar

To export your Google Calendar, go to the calendar settings and select “Export” from the menu. Choose the date range you want to export and download the file in iCal format.

Step 2: Import to Notion

In Notion 2024, create a new page and select “Import” from the menu. Choose the iCal file you downloaded from Google Calendar and import it into Notion. Notion will create a new database with all your events.


Q: Is it possible to sync Notion with Google Calendar?

A: Yes, you can also sync Notion with Google Calendar. The process is similar: export your Notion database as an iCal file and import it into Google Calendar.

Q: Will changes made in Google Calendar be reflected in Notion?

A: Yes, any changes made in Google Calendar will be reflected in Notion after you import the iCal file.

Q: Can I choose which Google Calendar to sync with Notion?

A: Yes, during the export process, you can choose which calendar you want to export. Only events from that calendar will be imported into Notion.


Syncing Google Calendar with Notion 2024 is a great way to streamline your productivity. By having all your information in one place, you can save time and avoid confusion. Follow the steps outlined in this article to start syncing your Google Calendar with Notion 2024 today.

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