Dashain Tika 2024 Nepali Calendar 2024

2024 Tihar Date Time in Nepal, 2024 Tihar Nepali Calendar Festivals
2024 Tihar Date Time in Nepal, 2024 Tihar Nepali Calendar Festivals from www.festivalsdatetime.co.in


Dashain Tika is one of the most significant festivals in Nepal. It is a 15-day long festival that is celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor. The festival is celebrated to honor the victory of good over evil. Dashain Tika is also known as Vijaya Dashami and is celebrated on the 10th day of the bright fortnight in the Hindu month of Ashwin.

When is Dashain Tika 2024?

Dashain Tika 2024 is going to be celebrated on the 7th of October 2024. In Nepali calendar 2024, Dashain Tika falls on the 21st of Asoj, which is the 10th day of the bright fortnight.

What is the significance of Dashain Tika?

Dashain Tika is celebrated to mark the victory of Lord Ram over the demon king Ravana. It is believed that Lord Ram returned to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile and defeated Ravana on this day. The festival is also celebrated to honor the goddess Durga who is believed to have fought and killed the demon Mahishasura on this day.

How is Dashain Tika celebrated?

The festival is celebrated for 15 days, with each day having its own significance. On the 10th day, which is the main day of the festival, people put tika (a mixture of rice, yogurt, and vermilion) on their foreheads as a symbol of blessings from their elders. They also exchange gifts and sweets and visit their relatives and friends.

What are the preparations for Dashain Tika?

The preparations for Dashain Tika start weeks before the festival. People clean their houses and decorate them with lights and flowers. They also buy new clothes and prepare special dishes for the festival. The markets are filled with people buying gifts and sweets for their loved ones.

What are the traditional dishes prepared during Dashain Tika?

During Dashain Tika, people prepare a variety of traditional dishes such as sel roti, khasi ko masu (goat meat curry), aloo tama (potato and bamboo shoot curry), and chhwela (spicy meat). These dishes are prepared with great care and are a part of the festival tradition.

What are the other activities during Dashain Tika?

Aside from the traditional rituals and celebrations, there are other activities that people engage in during Dashain Tika. People participate in fairs, play games, and enjoy cultural programs. The festival is a time for people to come together and celebrate their culture and traditions.

What is the significance of Nepali Calendar 2024?

The Nepali calendar is based on the Bikram Sambat system and is used in Nepal for cultural and religious purposes. The Nepali calendar 2024 is significant as it marks the beginning of a new year in Nepal. It is celebrated as the Nepali New Year and is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts.


Dashain Tika is a festival that is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy in Nepal. It is a time for people to come together and celebrate their culture and traditions. With the Nepali calendar 2024 marking the beginning of a new year, the festival is also a time for new beginnings and fresh starts.

So, mark your calendars and get ready to celebrate Dashain Tika 2024!

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