Delete Holidays From Google Calendar Android 2024

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Google Calendar is a great tool for keeping track of your schedule and important dates. However, sometimes it can be overwhelming with all the pre-added holidays and events. In this article, we will guide you through the process of deleting holidays from Google Calendar Android 2024.

Why Delete Holidays?

There are several reasons why you may want to delete holidays from your Google Calendar. One reason is that you may not celebrate certain holidays, and they can clutter your calendar. Another reason is that you may want to create your own events and reminders without any interference from pre-added holidays.

How to Delete Holidays From Google Calendar Android 2024

Deleting holidays from your Google Calendar Android 2024 is a simple process. Here are the steps: 1. Open Google Calendar App 2. Tap on the three horizontal lines on the top left corner 3. Scroll down and select “Settings” 4. Tap on “General” 5. Scroll down and select “Holidays” 6. Uncheck the holidays you want to delete 7. Tap on “Save”

Question and Answer

Q: Can I Delete All Holidays From Google Calendar?

A: Yes, you can delete all holidays from your Google Calendar by unchecking all the holidays in the settings.

Q: Can I Add My Own Holidays To Google Calendar?

A: Yes, you can add your own holidays to Google Calendar by creating a new event and setting it as a recurring event.


Here are some tips to make the process of deleting holidays from Google Calendar Android 2024 easier: 1. Review the holidays carefully before deleting them. Make sure you are not deleting any important events. 2. Create your own events and reminders to replace the holidays you deleted. 3. Use the recurring event feature to add your own holidays to your calendar.


Deleting holidays from your Google Calendar Android 2024 can make it easier to manage your schedule and keep track of important dates. With the simple steps outlined in this article, you can customize your calendar to suit your needs. Don’t let pre-added holidays clutter your calendar, take control and delete them today!

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