Father's Day Calendar 2024

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Father’s Day is a special day celebrated every year to honor fathers and father figures. This day is celebrated on different dates in different countries. In the United States, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June every year. However, in some countries, this day is celebrated on different dates. In this article, we will discuss the Father’s Day calendar for the year 2024.

When is Father’s Day 2024?

Father’s Day 2024 will be celebrated on Sunday, June 16th in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. However, in some countries like Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji, Father’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of September. In Spain and Italy, Father’s Day is celebrated on March 19th.

History of Father’s Day

Father’s Day was first celebrated in the United States in 1910. It was initiated by Sonora Smart Dodd, who wanted to honor her father, a civil war veteran, who raised six children alone after his wife died during childbirth. The idea of Father’s Day soon spread to other countries and is now celebrated worldwide.

How is Father’s Day Celebrated?

Father’s Day is celebrated in different ways around the world. In the United States, it is a day to honor fathers and father figures by giving them gifts, cards, and spending time with them. Many families also have barbecues or go out to eat on Father’s Day. In other countries, Father’s Day is celebrated with parades, festivals, and other special events.

Question and Answer

Q: What is the significance of Father’s Day?
A: Father’s Day is a day to honor fathers and father figures and show them how much they are appreciated.

Q: When is Father’s Day celebrated in Australia?
A: Father’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of September in Australia.

Gift Ideas for Father’s Day

If you are looking for gift ideas for Father’s Day, here are a few suggestions:
– A personalized photo album or picture frame
– A gift certificate to his favorite restaurant or store
– A watch or piece of jewelry
– A new gadget or tool for his hobby
– A book or DVD of his favorite movie or TV show


Father’s Day is a special day to honor fathers and father figures. It is celebrated on different dates around the world, but in the United States, it is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. Father’s Day 2024 will be celebrated on Sunday, June 16th. This is a great opportunity to show your appreciation for your father or father figure by spending time with them and giving them a thoughtful gift.

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