Google Calendar Sync To Ical 2024

How To Sync iCal With Google Calender? HowTech
How To Sync iCal With Google Calender? HowTech from


Google Calendar is a popular scheduling and time management tool that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. If you are an Apple user and prefer using iCal instead of Google Calendar, then you might be wondering if it is possible to sync your Google Calendar with iCal. The answer is yes, and in this article, we will discuss how to sync your Google Calendar with iCal in 2024.

What is iCal?

iCal is a calendar application developed by Apple Inc. that comes pre-installed on all Apple devices. It allows users to schedule and manage events, appointments, and reminders. iCal can be synced with other calendars, such as Google Calendar, to keep all your events in one place.

How to Sync Google Calendar with iCal

To sync your Google Calendar with iCal, follow these steps: 1. Open Google Calendar on your computer. 2. Click on the three dots next to the calendar you want to sync. 3. Select “Settings and sharing.” 4. Scroll down to “Integrate calendar” and copy the iCal link. 5. Open iCal on your Apple device. 6. Click on “File” and select “New Calendar Subscription.” 7. Paste the iCal link and click “Subscribe.” 8. Name the calendar and choose a color for it. 9. Click “OK” to complete the setup.

Benefits of Syncing Google Calendar with iCal

Syncing your Google Calendar with iCal has several benefits, such as: 1. Keeping all your events in one place 2. Accessing your events offline 3. Setting up reminders and alerts 4. Sharing calendars with others


Q: Does syncing Google Calendar with iCal work on all Apple devices?

A: Yes, syncing Google Calendar with iCal works on all Apple devices that have iCal installed, such as Macs, iPhones, and iPads.

Q: Can I sync multiple Google Calendars with iCal?

A: Yes, you can sync multiple Google Calendars with iCal by following the same steps for each calendar.

Q: Will changes made in Google Calendar reflect in iCal?

A: Yes, changes made in Google Calendar will reflect in iCal as long as the calendar is synced and connected to the internet.


Syncing your Google Calendar with iCal is a great way to keep all your events in one place and easily manage your schedule. With the steps provided in this article, you can easily sync your Google Calendar with iCal on your Apple device in 2024.

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