Google Calendar Time Zone Change 2024: What You Need To Know

How to use more than one time zone for events in Google Calendar.
How to use more than one time zone for events in Google Calendar. from

Google has recently announced a major change to its calendar feature that will go into effect in 2024. This change involves time zones, and it’s important to understand how it could affect you and your business. In this article, we’ll look at what the change is, why it’s happening, and how you can prepare for it.

What is the Google Calendar Time Zone Change?

The Google Calendar Time Zone Change is a shift in the way that calendar events are stored and displayed. Currently, when you create an event in Google Calendar, it’s stored in the time zone that you’re in at the time. This means that if you’re in New York and you create an event for 10am, someone in Los Angeles will see that event as starting at 7am their time.

Starting in 2024, Google will store all events in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is the primary time standard used around the world. This means that events will no longer be tied to specific time zones, and their start times will be displayed based on the viewer’s own time zone.

Why is the Change Happening?

According to Google, the change is being made to address a number of issues that have arisen as a result of the current system. One of the biggest problems is that events can become confused or lost when traveling across time zones. For example, if you create an event in New York and then travel to California, the event will still show up as starting at 10am New York time, which can cause confusion for anyone viewing the event in California.

The new system will also allow for more accurate scheduling of events across different time zones, as well as easier coordination between people in different parts of the world.

How Will the Change Affect You?

If you’re a regular user of Google Calendar, the change should not have a significant impact on how you use the feature. Your events will still be displayed in your local time zone, and you’ll still be able to create and manage events as usual.

However, if you frequently travel across time zones or work with people in different parts of the world, you may need to adjust your approach to scheduling events. You’ll need to be mindful of the fact that events will now be displayed based on the viewer’s time zone, rather than the time zone in which they were created.

Preparing for the Change

If you want to prepare for the change, there are a few things you can do. First, you can familiarize yourself with Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and how it differs from your local time zone. This will help you understand how events will be displayed in different parts of the world.

You can also start using tools and apps that allow for easier scheduling across different time zones. For example, there are a number of apps available that can help you find the best time to schedule a call or meeting based on the availability of people in different parts of the world.

Question and Answer

Q: Will the change affect events that I’ve already created in Google Calendar?

A: No, the change will only affect events that are created after the new system goes into effect in 2024. Events that you’ve already created will still be displayed in your local time zone.

Q: Will the change affect other Google products, like Gmail?

A: No, the change is specific to Google Calendar and will not affect other products.

Q: Will the change affect other calendar apps, like Apple Calendar?

A: No, the change is specific to Google Calendar and will not affect other calendar apps.

Q: Will the change affect how I receive invitations to events?

A: No, the change should not affect how you receive invitations to events. Invitations will still be sent in the same way, and you’ll still be able to accept or decline them as usual.

Q: Will the change affect how I create events using voice commands?

A: It’s unclear at this point whether the change will affect how you create events using voice commands. However, Google will likely release more information about this as the change gets closer.


The Google Calendar Time Zone Change is an important development that will have a significant impact on how events are stored and displayed in the future. By understanding the change and preparing for it, you can ensure that you continue to get the most out of Google Calendar, no matter where you are in the world.

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