Hennepin County Criminal Court Calendar 2024: What You Need To Know

Hennepin County C11 Courts Wold Architects and Engineers
Hennepin County C11 Courts Wold Architects and Engineers from www.woldae.com

The Basics

If you have a criminal case in Hennepin County, you will need to keep track of the court calendar to know when your court date is. The Hennepin County Criminal Court Calendar 2024 is now available online for you to check and make sure you don’t miss your court date.

You can find the calendar on the Hennepin County website. The calendar is organized by month and day, so you can easily find your court date.

What Happens in Court

If you have a criminal case, you will need to appear in court on your court date. In court, the judge will read the charges against you and you will have the opportunity to plead guilty or not guilty.

If you plead guilty, the judge will sentence you. If you plead not guilty, you will have a trial where the evidence will be presented and the judge or jury will make a decision.

What to Bring to Court

When you go to court, you will need to bring a few things with you. Make sure you have your court papers and any other documents related to your case. You may also want to bring a notepad and pen to take notes.

You should also dress appropriately for court. Wear clean, conservative clothing and avoid anything too revealing or casual. You want to show the judge that you take your case seriously.

Question and Answer

Q: What happens if I miss my court date?

If you miss your court date, a warrant may be issued for your arrest. It is important to make sure you know when your court date is and show up on time.

Q: Can I change my court date?

If you have a valid reason for needing to change your court date, you can request a continuance. You should contact your lawyer or the court clerk to request a continuance as soon as possible.

Q: What happens if I plead guilty?

If you plead guilty, the judge will sentence you. The sentence will depend on the charges against you and the circumstances of your case.

Q: What happens if I plead not guilty?

If you plead not guilty, you will have a trial where the evidence will be presented and the judge or jury will make a decision. It is important to have a strong defense if you plead not guilty.

Q: What should I do if I can’t afford a lawyer?

If you can’t afford a lawyer, you can request a public defender. Public defenders are lawyers who are appointed by the court to represent people who can’t afford a lawyer.


The Hennepin County Criminal Court Calendar 2024 is an important tool for anyone who has a criminal case in Hennepin County. Make sure you know your court date and show up on time. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your lawyer or the court clerk for help.

Remember to dress appropriately for court and bring any necessary documents with you. And if you can’t afford a lawyer, don’t hesitate to request a public defender.

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