How To Add Outlook Calendar To Sharepoint 2024

Sharing Calendars in Outlook TechMD
Sharing Calendars in Outlook TechMD from


SharePoint 2024 is a powerful platform that allows users to collaborate and share information. One of the most useful features of SharePoint is its ability to integrate with other Microsoft products, such as Outlook. In this article, we will guide you step-by-step on how to add your Outlook calendar to SharePoint 2024, so that you can easily keep track of your upcoming events and meetings.

Step 1: Configure Exchange Server

The first step in adding your Outlook calendar to SharePoint 2024 is to configure your Exchange Server. This will ensure that your calendar data is synchronized between Outlook and SharePoint. To do this, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the Exchange Management Console
  2. Click on the “Organization Configuration” tab
  3. Select “Client Access”
  4. Click on the “Outlook Web App” tab
  5. Check the box next to “Enable calendar publishing”


What is the purpose of configuring the Exchange Server?


The purpose of configuring the Exchange Server is to synchronize your calendar data between Outlook and SharePoint.

Step 2: Create a Calendar Overlay

Once you have configured your Exchange Server, the next step is to create a calendar overlay in SharePoint. This will allow you to display your Outlook calendar data within SharePoint. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open your SharePoint site
  2. Click on the “Site Actions” button
  3. Select “Site Settings”
  4. Click on “Site libraries and lists”
  5. Click on “Calendar”
  6. Click on “Calendar Overlay”
  7. Enter a name for your overlay
  8. Select “Exchange” as the type
  9. Enter the URL for your Exchange Server
  10. Click “OK”


What is a calendar overlay?


A calendar overlay is a feature in SharePoint that allows you to display data from multiple calendars in one view.

Step 3: Connect to Outlook

Now that you have created your calendar overlay, the final step is to connect to Outlook. This will ensure that your Outlook calendar data is displayed within SharePoint. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Outlook calendar
  2. Click on “Connect to Outlook” in the “Actions” menu
  3. Click “Yes” when prompted to confirm the connection
  4. Wait for Outlook to synchronize your calendar data


What does connecting to Outlook do?


Connecting to Outlook ensures that your Outlook calendar data is displayed within SharePoint.


By following these simple steps, you can easily add your Outlook calendar to SharePoint 2024. This will allow you to keep track of your upcoming events and meetings in one convenient location. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Microsoft support.

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