How To Propose New Time On Google Calendar 2024

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Google Calendar is a powerful tool for managing your daily schedule. It helps you keep track of your appointments, meetings, and other important events. However, there may be times when you need to propose a new time for a meeting or event that you have already scheduled. In this article, we will show you how to propose a new time on Google Calendar 2024.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Open Google Calendar

The first step is to open Google Calendar on your computer or mobile device. You can access Google Calendar by visiting or by downloading the Google Calendar app.

Step 2: Find the Event

Next, find the event for which you want to propose a new time. You can do this by scrolling through your calendar or by using the search function.

Step 3: Click on the Event

Click on the event to open its details. You should see the event details, including the date, time, location, and attendees.

Step 4: Click on “Propose New Time”

Click on the “Propose new time” button. This will open a new window where you can select a new date and time for the event.

Step 5: Choose a New Date and Time

Choose a new date and time that works better for you. You can use the calendar and time picker to select the new date and time.

Step 6: Add a Message

You can also add a message to explain why you are proposing a new time. This can be helpful if you need to provide additional information or if you want to apologize for any inconvenience.

Step 7: Send the Proposal

Once you have selected the new date and time and added a message, click on the “Send proposal” button. This will send the proposal to all attendees.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I propose a new time for a recurring event?

A: Yes, you can propose a new time for a recurring event. When you click on the event, you should see an option to “Edit event”. Click on this option and then click on “All events” to edit the entire series. You can then follow the same steps to propose a new time.

Q: Will the attendees receive a notification when I propose a new time?

A: Yes, all attendees will receive a notification when you propose a new time. They will be able to see the new proposal and choose to accept or decline it.

Q: Can I withdraw a proposal after I have sent it?

A: Yes, you can withdraw a proposal after you have sent it. Simply click on the event, click on “View proposal”, and then click on “Withdraw proposal”.

Tips and Tricks

– When proposing a new time, try to choose a date and time that works well for everyone.

– Be sure to add a clear and concise message explaining why you are proposing a new time.

– If you need to propose a new time for a recurring event, be sure to edit the entire series.


Proposing a new time on Google Calendar is easy and can help you manage your schedule more effectively. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can propose a new time for any event or meeting that you have scheduled. Remember to choose a new time that works well for everyone and to add a clear message explaining why you are proposing a new time.

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