How To Sync Outlook With Apple Calendar In 2024

How to sync your Google Calendar with Outlook on a PC, Mac computer, or
How to sync your Google Calendar with Outlook on a PC, Mac computer, or from

How to Sync Outlook with Apple Calendar in 2024

As we move into 2024, it’s important to know how to keep all of your calendars in sync. If you use both Outlook and Apple Calendar, you might be wondering how to make them work together seamlessly. In this article, we’ll show you how to sync Outlook with Apple Calendar in 2024.

Why should you sync Outlook with Apple Calendar?

Syncing your calendars ensures that you never miss an appointment or deadline. It allows you to see all of your events in one place, no matter which device you’re using. If you use Outlook for work and Apple Calendar for personal events, syncing them together can help you stay organized.

How to Sync Outlook with Apple Calendar in 2024

Syncing Outlook with Apple Calendar is easier than you might think. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Outlook and click on “File” in the top left corner.
  2. Select “Options” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click on “Calendar” in the left-hand column.
  4. Under “Calendar options,” click on “Publish Calendar.”
  5. Choose the calendar you want to publish and set the permissions to “Public.”
  6. Click on “Start Publishing.”
  7. Copy the link that appears and paste it into a new browser window.
  8. Replace “webcal” with “http” in the URL and press enter.
  9. Save the resulting file to your computer.
  10. Open Apple Calendar and click on “File” in the top left corner.
  11. Select “Import” from the drop-down menu.
  12. Choose the file you just saved and click “Import.”
  13. Your Outlook calendar events should now appear in Apple Calendar.

Question and Answer

Q: Do I have to repeat this process every time I want to sync my calendars?

A: No, you only have to do this process once. Your calendars will continue to sync automatically.

Q: Can I sync multiple Outlook calendars with Apple Calendar?

A: Yes, you can repeat this process for each calendar you want to sync.

Q: What if I don’t want to make my calendar public?

A: You can choose to share your calendar with specific people instead of making it public. Follow the same steps and choose “Restricted” instead of “Public” when setting permissions.


By following these simple steps, you can easily sync your Outlook and Apple Calendar in 2024. This will help you stay organized and never miss an important event. Remember, you only have to do this process once, and your calendars will continue to sync automatically.

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