Small Things To Put In Advent Calendar For Adults 2024

15 best empty advent calendars 2020 & DIY filler ideas for what to put
15 best empty advent calendars 2020 & DIY filler ideas for what to put from

The Tradition of the Advent Calendar

The Advent calendar is a time-honored tradition that started in the 19th century. It was originally used to mark the days leading up to Christmas and was meant to help children count down the days until the arrival of the big day. The traditional Advent calendar had 24 windows, each with a small picture behind it. As the days passed, children would open each window and count down the days until Christmas.

Today, the Advent calendar is still a popular tradition, but it has evolved to include more than just pictures. Now, Advent calendars come in all shapes and sizes, and they are filled with a variety of small gifts and treats. And while Advent calendars were originally intended for children, adults are now getting in on the fun too.

Small Things to Put in Advent Calendar for Adults

Looking for small things to put in an Advent calendar for adults? Here are 10 ideas to get you started:

1. Mini Bottles of Wine or Liquor

Who wouldn’t love a little bit of alcohol to help them relax during the holiday season? Mini bottles of wine or liquor are the perfect size for an Advent calendar, and they can be a fun way to try new flavors and varieties.

2. Gourmet Chocolates

Chocolates are a classic Advent calendar filler, but why not take it up a notch with gourmet chocolates? Look for chocolates with unique flavors and textures to make each day feel like a special treat.

3. Scented Candles

Scented candles are a great way to add some ambiance to the holiday season. Choose candles with festive scents like pine, cinnamon, or peppermint to make your Advent calendar feel extra special.

4. Miniature Figurines

If the person you’re creating the Advent calendar for is a collector, miniature figurines can be a fun way to add to their collection. Look for figurines that relate to their interests or hobbies to make each day feel personalized.

5. Tea Bags

Tea is a soothing drink that can help people unwind during the busy holiday season. Look for unique flavors and blends to make each day feel special.

6. Mini Journals or Notebooks

If the person you’re creating the Advent calendar for is a writer or artist, mini journals or notebooks can be a great way to inspire their creativity. Look for journals with unique covers or designs to make each day feel special.

7. Keychains or Bag Charms

Keychains and bag charms are small accessories that can add a touch of personality to anyone’s keys or bags. Look for keychains and bag charms with unique designs or themes to make each day feel special.

8. Miniature Board Games or Puzzles

Board games and puzzles can be a fun way to pass the time during the holiday season. Look for miniature versions of popular games or unique puzzles to make each day feel special.

9. Gourmet Snacks

Snacks are always a crowd-pleaser, and gourmet snacks can be a fun way to try new flavors and varieties. Look for snacks with unique flavors or packaging to make each day feel special.

10. Inspirational Quotes or Affirmations

The holiday season can be stressful, so why not fill your Advent calendar with inspirational quotes or affirmations to help your loved one stay positive? Look for quotes or affirmations that relate to their interests or goals to make each day feel special.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I personalize the Advent calendar for the person I’m giving it to?

A: Absolutely! Personalizing the Advent calendar can make it even more special for the person receiving it. Look for items that relate to their interests, hobbies, or favorite things to make each day feel tailored to them.

Q: Can I reuse the Advent calendar from year to year?

A: Yes! While some Advent calendars are meant to be disposable, many can be reused year after year. Look for Advent calendars made from durable materials like wood or fabric to ensure they’ll last for years to come.

Q: Can I make my own Advent calendar?

A: Of course! Making your own Advent calendar can be a fun and creative way to personalize the experience even further. Look for DIY Advent calendar kits or tutorials online to get started.


Whether you’re creating an Advent calendar for yourself or someone else, there are plenty of small things you can put in it to make each day feel special. From gourmet chocolates to miniature board games, the possibilities are endless. And by personalizing the Advent calendar, you can make it even more meaningful for the person receiving it. Happy holidays!

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