Syncing Slack With Outlook Calendar In 2024: Tips And Tricks

Calendar Sync with Outlook Desktop Microsoft Community
Calendar Sync with Outlook Desktop Microsoft Community from


Slack is a popular messaging and collaboration tool used by teams all over the world. One of its many features is the ability to integrate with other tools, such as your Outlook calendar. This integration allows you to easily keep track of your schedule and meetings without having to switch back and forth between different apps. In this article, weā€™ll walk you through the steps to sync Slack with your Outlook calendar in 2024.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Enable Slack Calendar Integration

The first step in syncing your Slack with your Outlook calendar is to enable the Slack Calendar Integration. To do this, navigate to your Slack workspace and click on the ā€œAppsā€ button on the left-hand side. From there, search for ā€œCalendarā€ and select ā€œSlack Calendar Integrationā€. Follow the prompts to enable the integration.

Step 2: Connect Your Outlook Calendar

Once youā€™ve enabled the Slack Calendar Integration, the next step is to connect your Outlook calendar to Slack. To do this, navigate to the ā€œCalendar Settingsā€ section of your Slack workspace and click on ā€œConnect Calendarā€. From there, select Outlook as your calendar provider and follow the prompts to connect your calendar.

Step 3: Customize Your Calendar Settings

After youā€™ve connected your Outlook calendar to Slack, you can customize your calendar settings to fit your needs. For example, you can choose which events to display in your Slack calendar, set reminders for upcoming events, and adjust your notification settings.

Tips and Tricks

Tip 1: Use Slack Commands to Schedule Meetings

Slack offers a variety of commands that allow you to schedule meetings directly from the app. For example, you can use the ā€œ/meetingā€ command to schedule a meeting with specific team members, or the ā€œ/remindā€ command to set reminders for upcoming meetings.

Tip 2: Set Slack Statuses to Indicate Your Availability

Slack offers a variety of status options that allow you to indicate your availability to your team. For example, you can set your status to ā€œIn a Meetingā€ or ā€œOut of Officeā€ to let your team know when youā€™re unavailable.

Tip 3: Use Slackā€™s ā€œDo Not Disturbā€ Feature

If you need to focus on a task without interruption, you can use Slackā€™s ā€œDo Not Disturbā€ feature to temporarily silence notifications. This feature can be customized to fit your needs, allowing you to choose specific times when you donā€™t want to be disturbed.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I Sync Multiple Calendars with Slack?

A: Yes, you can sync multiple calendars with Slack. To do this, simply repeat the steps outlined above for each calendar you want to connect.

Q: Can I Customize the Appearance of My Slack Calendar?

A: Yes, you can customize the appearance of your Slack calendar to fit your preferences. To do this, navigate to the ā€œCalendar Settingsā€ section of your Slack workspace and click on ā€œCustomize Appearanceā€. From there, you can choose your preferred color scheme and display options.

Q: Will My Outlook Calendar Reminders Appear in Slack?

A: Yes, your Outlook calendar reminders will appear in Slack if you have the Slack Calendar Integration enabled. You can customize your notification settings to ensure that youā€™re alerted to upcoming events.


Syncing your Slack with your Outlook calendar is a great way to stay organized and keep track of your schedule. By following the steps outlined in this article and using the tips and tricks provided, you can ensure that your Slack and Outlook calendars work seamlessly together in 2024 and beyond.

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