Things To Put In An Advent Calendar 2024

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The holiday season is always an exciting time, and one of the most anticipated activities is opening an Advent calendar. An Advent calendar is a fun and festive way to count down the days until Christmas. Each day, you get to open a little door or box and discover a surprise inside. But what should you put in your Advent calendar? In this article, we’ll explore some creative and unique ideas for things to put in an Advent calendar for 2024.

1. Candy and Treats

One of the most popular items to put in an Advent calendar is candy or treats. You can choose from a variety of options, such as chocolates, lollipops, gummy bears, or mini candy canes. You can also mix it up with healthier options like fruit snacks or granola bars.

Q: Can I put homemade treats in my Advent calendar?

A: Yes, you can! Homemade treats like cookies, brownies, or fudge are a great way to add a personal touch to your Advent calendar.

2. Small Toys and Trinkets

If you’re looking for something other than candy, small toys and trinkets are a great option. You can find a variety of toys that are small enough to fit in an Advent calendar, such as toy cars, mini puzzles, or figurines. You can also include items like stickers, temporary tattoos, or keychains.

Q: What are some gender-neutral toy options?

A: Some gender-neutral toy options include small stuffed animals, bouncy balls, or mini action figures.

3. Activity Ideas

Another unique idea for an Advent calendar is to include activity ideas. Each day, you can include a fun activity that you and your family can do together, such as making hot cocoa, going ice skating, or watching a holiday movie.

Q: What are some other activity ideas?

A: Other activity ideas include writing letters to Santa, making ornaments, or going on a holiday scavenger hunt.

4. Inspirational Quotes

For a more meaningful Advent calendar, you can include inspirational quotes or messages. Each day, you can include a quote or message that inspires you or reminds you of the true meaning of the holiday season.

Q: Where can I find inspirational quotes?

A: You can find inspirational quotes online or in books. You can also create your own quotes or messages that are personal to you and your family.

5. Beauty and Skincare Products

If you’re looking for a more grown-up Advent calendar, you can include beauty and skincare products. Each day, you can include a sample-size product like lip balm, hand cream, or face mask.

Q: Can I include full-size beauty products in my Advent calendar?

A: Yes, you can! Full-size products like nail polish or lipstick are a great option, but they may take up more space in your Advent calendar.

6. Lottery Tickets

For a fun and exciting Advent calendar, you can include scratch-off lottery tickets. Each day, you can include a ticket for a chance to win a small prize.

Q: What are some small prizes I can include with my lottery tickets?

A: Some small prize ideas include candy, gift cards, or small toys.

7. Tea or Coffee Samples

If you’re a tea or coffee lover, you can include sample-size packets in your Advent calendar. Each day, you can discover a new flavor or blend.

Q: Where can I find tea or coffee samples?

A: You can find tea or coffee samples online or at your local grocery store. Some specialty shops may also offer sample-size packets.

8. Miniature Books

For the bookworm in your life, you can include miniature books in your Advent calendar. Each day, you can discover a new story or poem.

Q: Where can I find miniature books?

A: You can find miniature books online or at your local bookstore. Some libraries may also offer miniature books for loan.

9. Miniature Liquor Bottles

For the adults in your life, you can include miniature liquor bottles in your Advent calendar. Each day, you can discover a new flavor or brand.

Q: Are there any legal restrictions on including alcohol in my Advent calendar?

A: Yes, there are. You should check your local laws and regulations to ensure that you are not breaking any laws by including alcohol in your Advent calendar.

10. Personalized Items

For a truly unique Advent calendar, you can include personalized items. Each day, you can include a small item that is personalized or customized for the recipient, such as a keychain with their name on it or a photo magnet.

Q: Where can I find personalized items?

A: You can find personalized items online or at your local gift shop. You can also create your own personalized items using a variety of online services.


There are countless options for things to put in an Advent calendar for 2024. Whether you choose candy, toys, or personalized items, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the holiday season with your loved ones.

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